LMP_Vocal Studio_Kids Division_Feb23_FA.png

Enrolment Terms and Conditions

Group Classes Terms and Conditions:

1.     Enrolment/Payment:

·       Class places are limited and cannot be over-subscribed.

·       Classes are booked and paid for through the studio’s online booking system. 

·       Class enrolment is confirmed immediately at the time of booking.

·       Payment options include credit and debit card.

·       Final Payment includes GST.

·       Re-enrolment is not automatic. New bookings will need to be made for the following term through the booking website. 

·       Limited Trial class passes are offered at Lisa-Marie Parker Vocal Studio Kids Division for the first 3 weeks of each Term where classes are not already at capacity.

·       Parents enrolling siblings are eligible for a 5% discount to the younger sibling on Group Bookings. Email us for the discount code: kidsdivision@lisamarieparkervocalstudio.com.au (Not applicable to Trial Classes)

·      If an existing student ‘Refers a friend’ to join Kids Division and you will receive a $5 voucher for each friend you recommend to be taken off your next booking!

2.    Enrolment Cancellation/ Refund Policy: 

·     Term fees are non-refundable once term has commenced.

·     If exceptional circumstances apply (i.e. Prolonged illness/injury, move to another state, etc.) a refund may be issued at the discretion of Lisa-Marie Parker Vocal Studio and only upon presentation of appropriate medical certificate where applicable. 

·     Should students require cancellation of their paid enrolment more than 5 working days prior to the course commencement, a full refund minus 20 % cancellation fee will be granted.

·     Should students require cancellation of their paid enrolment within 5 working days prior to the commencement of the course, you must notify Lisa-Marie Parker Vocal Studio in writing to request a credit note. The credit note will be valid for 12 months. E: kidsdivision@lisamarieparkervocalstudio.com.au

·     Lisa-Marie Parker Vocal Studio Kids Division reserves the right to cancel classes that do not meet the enrolment quota. In this case, you will be offered a credit for the full amount valid for 12 months or a full refund.

·       Substitutions of participants can be made prior to course commencement by notifying Lisa-Marie Parker Vocal Studio Kids Division in writing, provided participants are age-wise eligible for the course.

3.    Arrival Procedure: 

·       Parents are responsible for ensuring their child arrives safely.

·       Covid/Density limits permitting, parents are welcome to accompany their child attending their first ever class at Lisa-Marie Parker Vocal Studio Kids Division into the upstairs main studio space and promptly leave when your child is settled to ensure class can commence on time. 

·       For all other classes, please accompany younger children inside the waiting area where their teacher will collect them. Parents are welcome to wait in the waiting area for the duration of the class. 

·       There is no facility for parents, family or friends to watch classes from inside the studio during term. Parents will be invited to an Open Session at the end of each course block where they will be able to see the end of the class in action.

4.    Lateness/Missed Lessons:  

·       If a student is running late or absent, please notify us by email: kidsdivision@lisamarieparkervocalstudio.com.au or SMS 0418999759.

·      Refunds and make-up classes are not available if a student misses a class.

·       In the event a student is affected by a contagious medical condition Lisa-Marie Parker Vocal Studio must be notified immediately. The student will be unable to return to classes until such time as recommended by the student’s Doctor and Lisa-Marie Parker Vocal Studio is provided with a Doctors Certificate confirming the Doctor’s recommendation.

5.     Nut free Policy:  

·       Lisa-Marie Parker Vocal Studio Kids Division has a nut-free policy. Students are asked not to bring any food containing nut products to classes and performances. Parents are requested to inform Lisa-Marie Parker Vocal Studio Kids Division in writing of any allergies their child may have.

6.     Studio COVID-SAFE Policy/Further Lockdowns:

•    Should there be a need for further lockdown scenarios, Lisa-Marie Parker Vocal Studio Kids Division reserves the right to change the structure or operations of business in accordance with the state restrictions and guidelines. Some changes may include, but not limited to, moving to an online format. There will be no refunds possible under these circumstances.

• If it is within 24 hours of your lesson or class and you feel unwell and showing Covid related Symptoms; please refrain from entering the studio unless you have received a negative RAT result. Private Lessons can be converted to online at the same time as your booked lesson so you will not lose your lesson payment.

• If you are recovering from Covid, we welcome you back into the studio strictly 7 days after your Covid Positive result. You must be symptom-free and Covid Negative.

7.    Communication/Privacy: 

·         Lisa-Marie Parker Vocal Studio Kids Division may contact you with studio updates, upcoming workshop opportunities and other relevant information via email as well as your teacher communicating directly with sheet music, backings etc. 

·         Please note your information is secure and will not be shared or sold to a third party. Your privacy is respected. 

·         Classes are booked and organised within the Studio’s Online Scheduling system, Acuity. You will receive weekly reminders of your lesson time. Be sure to check your junk folder. 

·         It is the Parent/Guardian’s responsibility to inform Lisa-Marie Parker Vocal Studio of any changes to details previously stated on the Enrolment form (ie. contact details, emergency contact, relevant Medical information.) 

Private Lesson Terms and Conditions: 

1.     Enrolment:  

·     Enrolments will be processed in order of application.   

2.     Lesson Dates/Terms:

·       Private Lessons run in accordance with Victorian School Terms and are booked and paid per term.

·       Lessons on the school holidays can be arranged if the student is preparing for auditions, VCA, AMEB or other performance deadlines and will be charged as an individual booking at the student’s previous lesson rate. 

·       Paid Trial Lessons are welcomed and encouraged to have an opportunity for the student to meet the teacher and discuss goals.

3.     Payment Deadlines/Rates:

·       Payment, received by either credit or debit card, and the enrolment form to be completed prior to securing placement.

·       Payment is due by the 1st lesson to confirm lesson placement. Late payments will incur an automatic late fee of $20.

·       Fees Current as at 17/01/24: 30 minute Lessons: $45 plus GST

45 minute Lessons: $60 plus GST

60 minute Lessons: $80 plus GST

4.    Lateness/Missed Lessons:  

·       Please communicate directly with your teacher if a lesson will be missed or you will arrive late.

·       Lessons cancelled within 24 hours, with a medical certificate, will be offered a make up lesson. 

Lessons cancelled within 24 hours, without a medical certificate, will forfeit the full lesson fee.

Students are able to make up a maximum of one lesson without a medical certificate.

Make up lesson requests will need to be made in writing prior to your missed lesson and emailed directly to your teacher and must be made up prior to the commencement of the following term.

Missed classes cannot be refunded or transferred to another term.  If the teacher needs to cancel a lesson, they will communicate directly with you to organise a mutually convenient time for a replacement lesson. 

5.    Term Re-enrolment: 

·       Re-enrolment is automatic. Your lesson time remains yours for the next term however is not confirmed until payment is received prior to the term commencement.  

·       If you require a time change, please email: kidsdivision@lisamarieparkervocalstudio.com.au

6.    Enrolment Cancellation/ Refund Policy: 

·       Term fees are non-refundable.

·       Should you choose not to re-enrol, please notify the studio in writing 2 weeks prior to beginning of next term or lessons missed with be charged.  E: kidsdivision@lisamarieparkervocalstudio.com.au

·       If exceptional circumstances apply (i.e. Prolonged illness/injury, move to another state, etc.) a refund may be issued at the discretion of Lisa-Marie Parker Vocal Studio and only upon presentation of appropriate medical certificate where applicable. 

·       Should students require cancellation of their enrolment outside of 7 days prior to commencing term, a full refund will be granted if pre-payment has been made. 

7.    Studio COVID-SAFE Policy/Online Lessons:

·         Classes are primarily offered as face-to-face lessons in our studio in Flemington.

·   Please do not enter the space with Covid-like Symptoms.

·         Should there be a need for further lockdown scenarios, lessons will move to an online format in accordance with the state restrictions and guidelines. There will be no refunds possible under these circumstances.

•  Within 24 hours of your lesson or class: If you are feeling unwell, showing covid-like symptoms PLEASE DO NOT ENTER THE STUDIO unless you have received a negative RAT result. Private Lessons can be converted to online at the same time as your booking or full payment is required unless a medical certificate is provided.

• If you are recovering from Covid, we welcome you back into the studio strictly 7 days after your Covid Positive result. You must be symptom free and Covid Negative.

•    If you are living with a Covid Case, ideally we would prefer you to wait 5 days to ensure you are Covid Negative before entering the studio.

• Online is available, and also an alternative for those with flu like symptoms but still well enough to sing, or for lessons where the student can’t attend in person.

8.    Arrival Procedure: 

·       Parents are responsible for ensuring their child arrives safely. Please accompany younger children inside the waiting area where their teacher will collect them. 

·       Parents are welcome to wait in the waiting area for the duration of the lesson time.

9.    Materials: 

·       Where possible music will be provided for the student. 

·       All other materials required for lessons or voice performances will be at the expense of the student (ie. Sheet music, Music Books, Backing tracks, AMEB registration fees etc)

10.  Communication/Privacy: 

·       Lisa-Marie Parker Vocal Studio may contact you with studio updates, upcoming workshop opportunities and other relevant information via email as well as your teacher communicating directly with sheet music, backings etc. 

·       Please note your information is secure and will not be shared or sold to a third party. Your privacy is respected. 

·       Lessons are booked and organised within the Studio’s Online Scheduling system Acuity. You will receive weekly reminders of your lesson time. 

·       It is the Parent/Guardian’s responsibility to inform Lisa-Marie Parker Vocal Studio of any changes to details previously stated on the Enrolment form (ie. contact details, emergency contact, relevant Medical information.)